Monday 18 July 2016

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

The Ajna, or third eye chakra, is considered the sixth layer of our energetic system. Consider it something like your spiritual vision, helping you cut through the spiritual muck and see the world for what it really is. It exists in the center of your forehead. Some believe it can be physiologically traced to the pineal gland, which is a pea-sized conical mass of tissue behind the third ventricle of the brain responsible for secreting hormones in most mammals.

When opened, the chakra allows for heightened intuition, intelligence, and a higher guidance for our lives.

There are some things you can do to open this third eye chakra such as letting go of material things, leaving behind your fear of death, astral project, live a more spiritual life, and be more decisive.

What is the Third Eye Chakra?

The third eye, or brow, chakra is located in the forehead, between and slightly above the eyebrows. Its keywords are "insight," "intellect," and "intuition." Its associated color is indigo, and its element is light.
The Sanskrit name of the sixth chakra is Ajna, meaning "command" or "perception." The chakra of mind, Ajna helps us think clearly.

It also helps us see clearly, both physically and psychically. It supports imagination, awareness of the subtle/energetic world, intuitive knowing, and inner vision. When you see something "with your mind's eye," you are seeing it with the Ajna chakra.

Sixth-chakra intuition and wisdom are universal and transcendent in nature. The 6th chakra, when highly developed, elevates consciousness and confers deep spiritual insight and awareness. Perception of non-ordinary reality may accompany this.

The third eye chakra is a main point for external life energy (prana, chi) to enter and be distributed to the other chakras. It is also a key to ongoing spiritual development. Thus, keeping it as clear and balanced as possible is very important.
The Third Eye has been opened. We have now moved into the “command center” of the Kundalini process. Ajna means “to command,” through this chakra we can learn how to master our minds. Where before we were under the illusion that all things were separate and disconnected, we gain the ability to see how everything is interconnected, how we are all truly one. Wisdom is a boon in this region. But we must remember that true mastery is not mastering others; it’s mastering our former self. Like Nietzsche wrote, “Only now are you going your way to greatness. Peak and abyss, they are now joined together, for all things are baptized in a well of eternity, and lie beyond good and evil.”
The Ajna chakra is symbolized by a violet lotus with two petals. It is located directly behind the forehead. It is the seat of consciousness as well as our “sixth” sense, often referred to as the psychic chakra. 

Short Term Symptoms

After performing one of the third eye opening meditations you should almost instantly feel something as a sign of third eye awakening. Here is a list of some of the short term third eye symptoms or side effects you may experience, from when you start your meditation to a couple of weeks after.
  • Pressure - Pressure on your third eye is THE most common sign that your third eye is awakening and that your third eye meditation has worked. The pressure can be very intense and can feel like someone or some powerful energy force is putting a heavy pressure on your skull or forehead.
  • Tingling - You should also begin to feel a tingling sensation on your third eye or crown chakra, and it will feel like something is touching your forehead like an insect or a hair, and you will notice yourself keep trying to brush away whatever is tingling your forehead but with no luck.
  • Headache - Many people experience getting a headache after practicing third eye meditation, as your mind is focused and concentrated more than usual.
  • Seeing Colored Light - Seeing light while meditating is also quite normal and something many people experience when practicing third eye meditation. The lights can have many forms, and can be dots, spirals, rays and so on. People often see purple or green lights in their mind's eye.
  • Seeing Shapes - Some people see shapes when they meditate and often times it is the shape of an eye. This is also a sign that your third eye is activating, as the third eye is connected to the vision and visual images.
  • Vivid Dreams - You can experience having vivid dreams or nightmares when your third eye is opening, as your mental vision is getting stronger.

Long Term Benefits of Third Eye Meditation

So after you have opened your third eye and been practicing regular third eye meditation to fully activate the eye, here are some of the long term symptoms and benefits you will experience.
  • A Better understanding - You will begin to get a better understanding of life and the universe and everything will suddenly make much more sense, as you see the world from another perspective.
  • Improved Intuition - As you awaken your third eye, you will become much more in touch with your intuitive abilities such as clairvoyance, and you will be able to receive guidance from the universe.
  • Develop Psychic Abilities - With an awakened third eye, you will be able to develop psychic abilities such as your intuition, ESP, telepathy, psychokinesis, healing, aura reading and so on, as it connects you with those spiritual energies.
  • Sense the Truth - The third eye will allow you to see beyond what your physical eyes are able to see, and you will be able to look behind a persons words and sense the unspoken truth.
  • Astral Projection - Third eye awakening can make it a lot easier for you to experience astral projection and lucid dreaming, as you have created that strong link between you and the universe.

Third eye chakra guided meditation script

  1. Take a long and deep breath. As you exhale, move attention to the centre of your forehead, in-between the brows and just above the brow line, and imagine an indigo-blue chakra. The dark indigo glow of the chakra illuminates your mind and then spreads to the rest of your body. 
  2. Imagine an entrance to your mind through the third eye. You open the door and walk into an empty room. Feel free to decorate the room any way you like - choose your color, decor, look and feel.   
  3. Make it suit your tastes exactly, so that it becomes your personal sanctuary. 
  4. Find the most comfortable spot in the room and sit down.
  5. You look out onto the world from there. Bring into focus the same thoughts, issues, situations and ideas that occupy your day-to-day life. You silently contemplate upon them.
  6. Now see your sixth chakra spinning and gaining strength. As it spins faster, the chakra's indigo light washes over you and pervades every cell, every pore in your body.
  7. Breathe deeply and feel the energy bursting forth from your third eye as rays of dazzling deep blue light. 
  8. Rest in this awareness. 
  9. Gently stand up and walk to the door through which you entered the room. Walk out and look back at your inner sanctuary and feel one with it.
  10. When you are ready, open your eyes and arise.

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