Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Reiki and Chakra Balancing

Reiki and Chakra Balancing


Reiki is a Japanese holistic healing technique developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui, which uses light touch and energy to heal the body, often referred to as palm healing or hands-on-healing.
Through the use of this technique, the practitioner transfers universal energy through the palms, which allows for self-healing and a state of equilibrium.
Reiki works to restore a healthy energy flow through the body that regenerates and accelerates the body's healing ability.

A Reiki Treatment radiates a glowing feeling of energy that flows around the body and through the chakras, treating the whole body, emotions, and spirit. As energy works its way through blockages, it removes stress and negative energy from the body that cause health concerns. It promotes peace, relaxation, and wellbeing and it complements traditional medicine to bring relief of side effects and promote fast recovery.

Chakra Balancing

Science has proven that our bodies are made up of complex energy systems.
One of those systems is called Chakras. Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means "wheel" or "turning". The concept derives from the tantric and yogic traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism introduced in the 18th century by Buddhist Hevajra Tantra.
A Chakra is an energetic centre that spins like a wheel. This centre is connected to our physical body on one side and to the universe to the other. It receives and transmits frequencies in both directions and it is meant to be in constant flow.

When things are not going right in your life, whether it is your love life, your career or your bank account, can you afford to just sit back and wait hoping that some how it will just simply correct itself?

Chakra Balancing and Clearing can help the most stressed-out person regain their sense of calm and inner serenity regardless of what is going on around them. A full Chakra Clearing and Realignment is so much more than an energy adjustment.

There are 7 major Chakras, located along the body, each connected to a gland in our body that works hand in hand with all the vital organs. Through his physical connection, Chakras are responsible for other spiritual or emotional areas of our lives.

When one Chakra is unbalanced, the body becomes out of balance and the related gland and organs become vulnerable to disease. It is important to take care of our Chakra system with the same love and concern that we do our physical body.

Anytime there is something going on in the body that shouldn't be, it is due to an underlying blockage in the corresponding Chakra that requires attention. Rebalancing the Chakras allows our organs to function in harmony and unison, restoring peace, health and happiness.

What is Chakra Balance, and why is it important?

An "imbalance" in our Chakras means that some Chakras are over-active, and some are under-active. Just like anything else in life, the keyword is "balance", not too much, and not too little. Since the Chakras receive and transmit energy (which translates into psychic, emotional and physical energy) too much or too little may affect the way we think, act and feel; for instance, too little flow through the Heart Chakra could translate into a "hard hearted" and selfish personality, and too much flow through the Heart Chakra could translate into a person with a "bleeding heart", someone who's generous compassion can easily be taken advantage of. We might find that "closing" a Chakra or two actually provides more psychic and emotional relief than "opening" a Chakra.
Finding that perfect balance between openness to outside and Universal energies, and keeping up our own energetic boundaries, is the main purpose of Chakra Balancing and Chakra Healing.


Dry Brushing Technique

Dry brushing is not only a popular technique in Reiki healing, but it is also popular as one of the best natural health treatments for detoxification. The method is commonly used for centuries in Scandinavian countries, but it becomes popular worldwide after a Finnish doctor first proposed it to his patients as an established medical treatment thirty years ago. Some medical benefits associated with dry brushing include removal of dead skin cells, stimulation of hormones, tightening of skin, strengthen immune system, and toned muscles.

  1. Find a calm place. First, you need to find a calm place where you can concentrate on your Reiki meditation. Make sure you have enough space in the place where you can stand straight.
  2. Physical position. Some say that dry brushing technique works best in standing position – but others have had success with it in other positions too. See what works for yourself.
  3. Ground yourself. First, get into standing position and feel that the roots are coming out of your base chakra and are going into the earth throw your legs. Focus that the roots are firmly attached to the core of the earth.
  4. Brush Yourself. Once firmly grounded, use palms of both of your hands to brush yourself.
  5. Apply from Head to Toe. Use brush starting from your head to dust yourself off and go down slowly towards your feet. Brush down slowly and gradually and take deep breaths to calm you down.
  6. Meditation. Meditate that you are cleaning off all the blockages from your 7 chakras as you go down. Focus on the feeling that you are clearing all the toxins, debris, low vibrating (negative) energies and energy blockages with dry brush.
  7. Transfer Energy to Earth. As you are already grounded, focus that all the toxins, negative energy and energy blockages are flowing into the ground when you move your brush to your feet. Feel that all the negative energy transferred to earth will be filtered into new positive energy that can be used again.

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