ROOT Chakra (Muladhara)
The Root Chakra is located at the perineum between the anus and the sex organs. The color of this chakra is red. The parts of the body affected by this chakra are the lymph system, skeleton system (teeth and bones), the prostate gland in men, the sacral plexus, the bladder and elimination system, and the lower extremities (legs – feet, ankles , etc.). Also the nose, since it is the organ of the sense of smell, and associated with survival. The endocrine gland associated with this chakra is the adrenal glands.This chakra represents security, survival, trust, the relationship with money, home, job. The ability to be grounded, to be present in the here and now. The ability to allow one’s self to be nourished, in the sense of allowing one’s Inner Being to be satisfied. This chakra also reflects a person’s connection with their mother, and with Mother Earth. How the person feels about being on the earth and their connection with the physical body.
The Root Chakra channels the earth’s energy up to our higher chakra centers and helps to ground us on the physical plane. The more we ground ourselves the greater chance we have of making our dreams real and developing into the people we would like to become. When we lose our connection to the earth, we cut ourselves off from the healing source of Mother Earth. We disconnect ourselves from our ability to lovingly care for and nourish ourselves as well as to provide the physical comforts we need. When we become disconnected, we become one of life’s victims.
The dysfunctional archetype of the Root Chakra is the Victim. The victim feels helpless, stuck in a state of fear, with no sense of empowerment. Being a victim is paralyzing on the psyche and the body. In order to survive both emotionally and physically, it is essential to ground these feelings and to reconnect with the earth. Many people may not realize that they carry traces of the victim mentality within their personality, but it may emerge during times of stress or crisis. If they were to stop and experience the feelings they have about life they may be surprised at the depths of the anger, fear, resentment, and frustration they carry inside them.
The healthy archetype of the Root Chakra is the Mother. The Mother represents our ability to nourish and look after the life force within us with care, sensitivity, and vigilance. Integrating this archetype is essential to our development, because she teaches us how to take care of ourselves and to respect our needs. She helps us integrate the feminine aspects of our personality so that we can develop our capacity to love – love ourselves, love all people, love life. As we develop the Mother within ourselves, we stop projecting our needs onto the world around us so that we are able to look after ourselves.
Physical Symptoms that Depicts Root Chakra is Blocked:
- Lower back pain
- Pain in feet, legs and in all parts that flows down from the lower back till the toes.
- Kidney infections and various kidney related issues
- Tumors or polyps in the rectal area
- Blockages seen in various parts of the body.
- Anemia, cancer, heart diseases etc can arise along with gynaecological problems and arthtritis.
- Circulatory and reproductive health issues
- Bladder irritation etc
Other Signs and Symptoms of a Blocked Root Chakra:
- Here below are some other important signs and symptoms of a blocked Root chakra.
- You experience confusion, distraction and get disconnected from the world
- You meet with fear and insecurity
- Depression and anxiety are commonly seen
- Addictive behaviour.
- Lack of self esteem, lack or interest in being, laziness etc. in case the Root chakra is under active
- In case the root chakra is over active, the person might be aggressive, impatient, irritable and may encounter an unnatural or abnormal sex or sexual behaviour in him/her.
How to Balance Muladhara
While meditation does connect you to a higher spiritual plane, it also serves to ground you. You may not always be able to trust that the world will give you what you need to survive, but connection to your higher self and trust in a power higher than yourself will give you what you need to feel safe.
It does not matter if you call that higher power Consciousness, Mother Nature, God, or Spirit. Connection to universal energy will bring you a sense of peace and stability. The animals in the forest have no idea if and when they will find food each day, yet somehow they trust in nature to provide for them.
Try this: The sense organ that corresponds to the first chakra is smell. While meditating, focus on the tip of your nose to help align the root and bring forth the qualities you need to balance your root chakra.
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