Monday 1 August 2016

Re-balance your Solar Plexus Charka

What are the benefits of the Solar Plexus Chakra?

• Establishing healthy boundaries
• Strengthening will-power and assertiveness
• Connecting with, and understanding, your own power
• Improving digestion and metabolism
• Boosting stamina, but also helping you know when to quit

Re-balance your Solar Plexus Charka

When the energy at your manipura chakra is balanced and flowing freely you feel self-confident. You are a spontaneous, energetic person who experiences the joy of connecting with the universe, while knowing your unique place in it. The manipura chakra is related to your will-power, personal power and self-esteem. Its energy is what enables you to set reasonable personal boundaries, as well as maintain a healthy sense of honour and integrity.

Anger, rage, excessive vanity, bitterness and resentment are all expressions of imbalances or blockages of energy at the manipura chakra. These negative emotions are energetically stored in your solar plexus region, often for many years. This happens whether you are irritated by small things and get angry easily, or stoically resist any external expression.

Often traumas that cause blockages or imbalances of energy at the manipura chakra are related to your sense of personal power. Perhaps you had an overbearing parent or teacher – or you were a victim of bullying, scapegoating or shaming. Maybe you were forced to assume responsibilities that were inappropriate for your age. Or, at some point in your life, you may have felt that someone was trying to break your will or dehumanize you in some way. Distortions of manipura energy can be the result of anything that would have caused you to lose your self-confidence or to feel that others were controlling your life.

A juice fast to re-balance the solar plexus chakra

When your digestive fire, which has its seat in your solar plexus region, is strong and balanced, you digest your food well, absorb plentiful vital energy from the air you breathe and have an intelligent relationship with the world around you. Conversely, when there is a blockage, you have a greater tendency to suffer from chronic conditions and psychological imbalances. Abstaining from solid food to fast on juices once a week can help you to re-balance the energy of your manipura chakra. By drinking only juice for one day, you will take advantage of one of nature’s greatest healing agents. Juice fasting enhances your health and vigour. It gives your digestive system a rest, allowing your body to cleanse itself thoroughly.

Juice fasting makes your body and mind feel lighter. It also lowers your ego’s defence mechanisms so that you are open to positive inspiration. It prepares your body and mind to absorb higher energy vibrations and to be more fully conscious. This sort of fast also assists you in developing healthy attitudes of self-confidence, will-power and mental resolve.

Juice Diet

1. Drink 2–3 litres (3½–5½ pints) of freshly made juice on your fast day. When you make the drink yourself, use no more than three fruits or vegetables at a time and don’t mix fruits and vegetables in the same juice.

2. Carrots, fresh ginger root and cabbage are particularly beneficial for stimulating a cleansing and balancing of the manipura energy. Don’t use fleshy fruits, such as bananas or avocados.

3. Do not consume solid food, dairy products, caffeine or fizzy drinks during the fast. Avoid tea and coffee, but herbal teas, especially peppermint, are helpful. Drink plenty of water to flush out your system. If you experience a headache or nausea, drink hot water with a little lemon juice.

4. Use the time for quiet activity. Meditate as much as possible and try to keep your focus inward. Practise yoga asanas and breathing exercises to enhance the benefits of the fast.
Caution: Do not attempt a juice fast, or any other kind of fast, if you are pregnant, if you have had an eating disorder, or if you suffer from anaemia. It is a good idea to consult your doctor or health-care professional if you have any doubts.

Sunday 31 July 2016

Healing the Root Chakra

Healing the Root Chakra

Before discovering how to begin healing your root chakra it’s important to know what it is and where it is located. Your Muladhara, or root chakra is located right where your tailbone ends, at the base of your spine. Understand that your root chakra is not something you can physically see, but a place in your body that circulates energy.

The power for your entire chakra system emanates from the root chakra. If this chakra is closed or is not completely opened it will be extremely difficult to access any of the other chakras. In this article you will learn what the root chakra does, how it works and how to heal (or open it).

What is the Root Chakra?

Also known as the base chakra, Muladhara deals with survival and your connection to the earth. The root chakra gains power from your family structure. If you are part of a broken family structure, this will often result in a weak root chakra. Dysfunctional families that are disconnected from and no longer trust each other will lose the ability to connect with and trust others as well.

This can cause lifelong problems. In order to heal this chakra the family structure is critically important. The Root chakra also deals with your confidence and self esteem, which is formed at a very young age. The physical areas of the body that are connected to and affected by this chakra are the bones and teeth, prostate, the bladder and your lower extremities.

This chakra represents survival instinct, money, home and security. It deals with the connection to your human mother and mother earth as well as the connection to your physical body. If any of these are not being satisfied a disconnect from the other chakras will take place, causing the flow of energy in your body to be blocked. This blocked energy can manifest itself in physical symptoms, that will effect you.

How to Begin Healing the Root Chakra

The first thing you need to do, is meditate to re-affirm the feeling of being grounded. Some experts say during meditation, you should imagine roots coming from the earth and connection to the base of your body. The earth has healing properties, in times of stress and turmoil, placing trust in the mother earth can empower you to push through. Mediation can teach you to care and love yourself, which heals your root chakra when it has become disconnected. The more you develop this, the more you can love yourself and others.You will now know that whatever goes wrong your base will be able to handle it. In other words, trust is the number one focus of this chakra.

Through use of music this chakra can regain power, using certain chants and vocal rhythms designed to help reinforce it. In time the, Muladhara will begin to heal itself, and as it does the other chakras will be able to gain power from it. The confidence given through the reconnection of it, is transferred to the sacral chakra and up to the very top of the head.

Saturday 30 July 2016

Chakra Meditation


Begin by sitting it in a comfortable position. You can use a chair if you like, but for best results, sit on the ground. You want to sit straight (no slouching) but allow your spine to conform to it’s natural curve.

Now spend about 2-3 minutes breathing slowly and deeply, quieting your mind. Once you feel relaxed and focused, you can begin.

Grow your Root

Bring your attention to the base of your spine. Imagine that with each breath, you’re stretching a root or roots down into the Earth. Feel your root go through the surface of grass or cement, then further into the rich, dark soil that blankets the planet. Feel the coolness of the Earth as you go deeper, moving away from air and light.

With each breath, allow your root to go ever deeper, through fresh, underground springs and deep water tables.

Soon you come to the Earth’s hard crust. Here, a space opens for your root to reach through and toward the heart of our planet.

Notice any thoughts, sensations or images that come to you as you travel on this inner journey. You don’t need to judge these, just observe them and let them pass.

Keep breathing as your root moves into the mantle. You may begin to feel heat coming from Earth’s outer core as you move toward the molten core.

The Heart of the Earth

Breath and allow your root to penetrate to the very Heart of Earth – Her inner core.

Sit for a moment and bask in your deep connection to Earth. Feel how grounded and centered you are. Appreciate your body and the body of the planet. Thank Her for the bounty she provides.

Draw it Up

When you’re ready, begin drawing energy from this heart center into your root. With each breath, draw up the power of stability, grounding and love.

See the energy rise through the earth’s layers – slowly with each breath – until it reaches the base of your spine. Notice any colors or sensations, observing and allowing them without judgment.

Awaken your Chakras

Now begin drawing this energy into your body at the base of your spine. Feel it spiraling up and into your red, Root chakra – center of Earth Connection and the Body.

Breath and feel it spiraling up into your orange, Second chakra – the center of Sexuality and Creativity. Breath it up further still, into your yellow, Solar Plexus chakra – the center of Will and Personal Power.

Notice any sensations, image or thoughts you may associate with the chakras as this Earth energy rises through them. Just observe. No need to judge or analyze.

Now breath and draw up the energy into your green, Heart chakra – center of Love, Compassion and Forgiveness. Feel the flood of loving kindness envelope you as the energy of the Earth rises upward.

Now allow the energy to come up into your Throat chakra – center of Communication. Let your thoughts dwell for a moment on the power and pleasure of speaking truth from your heart.

Next you’ll feel the energy rise to the Third Eye or Brow chakra – place of Vision and Inner Sight. Again, notice any thoughts, sensations or images without judging.

Reach for the Sky

As the energy reaches the top of your head and through the Crown chakra, imagine it bursting forth like branches of a tree. Feel your branches reach up and out toward the heavens and allow yourself to draw in the energy of spirit through your leaves and branches.

Sit for a few more minutes, basking in your connection to both Earth and Heaven.

When you’re ready, take a few deep breaths and open your eyes.
Welcome back! I hope you enjoyed this meditation technique.

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Reiki and Chakra Balancing

Reiki and Chakra Balancing


Reiki is a Japanese holistic healing technique developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui, which uses light touch and energy to heal the body, often referred to as palm healing or hands-on-healing.
Through the use of this technique, the practitioner transfers universal energy through the palms, which allows for self-healing and a state of equilibrium.
Reiki works to restore a healthy energy flow through the body that regenerates and accelerates the body's healing ability.

A Reiki Treatment radiates a glowing feeling of energy that flows around the body and through the chakras, treating the whole body, emotions, and spirit. As energy works its way through blockages, it removes stress and negative energy from the body that cause health concerns. It promotes peace, relaxation, and wellbeing and it complements traditional medicine to bring relief of side effects and promote fast recovery.

Chakra Balancing

Science has proven that our bodies are made up of complex energy systems.
One of those systems is called Chakras. Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means "wheel" or "turning". The concept derives from the tantric and yogic traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism introduced in the 18th century by Buddhist Hevajra Tantra.
A Chakra is an energetic centre that spins like a wheel. This centre is connected to our physical body on one side and to the universe to the other. It receives and transmits frequencies in both directions and it is meant to be in constant flow.

When things are not going right in your life, whether it is your love life, your career or your bank account, can you afford to just sit back and wait hoping that some how it will just simply correct itself?

Chakra Balancing and Clearing can help the most stressed-out person regain their sense of calm and inner serenity regardless of what is going on around them. A full Chakra Clearing and Realignment is so much more than an energy adjustment.

There are 7 major Chakras, located along the body, each connected to a gland in our body that works hand in hand with all the vital organs. Through his physical connection, Chakras are responsible for other spiritual or emotional areas of our lives.

When one Chakra is unbalanced, the body becomes out of balance and the related gland and organs become vulnerable to disease. It is important to take care of our Chakra system with the same love and concern that we do our physical body.

Anytime there is something going on in the body that shouldn't be, it is due to an underlying blockage in the corresponding Chakra that requires attention. Rebalancing the Chakras allows our organs to function in harmony and unison, restoring peace, health and happiness.

What is Chakra Balance, and why is it important?

An "imbalance" in our Chakras means that some Chakras are over-active, and some are under-active. Just like anything else in life, the keyword is "balance", not too much, and not too little. Since the Chakras receive and transmit energy (which translates into psychic, emotional and physical energy) too much or too little may affect the way we think, act and feel; for instance, too little flow through the Heart Chakra could translate into a "hard hearted" and selfish personality, and too much flow through the Heart Chakra could translate into a person with a "bleeding heart", someone who's generous compassion can easily be taken advantage of. We might find that "closing" a Chakra or two actually provides more psychic and emotional relief than "opening" a Chakra.
Finding that perfect balance between openness to outside and Universal energies, and keeping up our own energetic boundaries, is the main purpose of Chakra Balancing and Chakra Healing.


Dry Brushing Technique

Dry brushing is not only a popular technique in Reiki healing, but it is also popular as one of the best natural health treatments for detoxification. The method is commonly used for centuries in Scandinavian countries, but it becomes popular worldwide after a Finnish doctor first proposed it to his patients as an established medical treatment thirty years ago. Some medical benefits associated with dry brushing include removal of dead skin cells, stimulation of hormones, tightening of skin, strengthen immune system, and toned muscles.

  1. Find a calm place. First, you need to find a calm place where you can concentrate on your Reiki meditation. Make sure you have enough space in the place where you can stand straight.
  2. Physical position. Some say that dry brushing technique works best in standing position – but others have had success with it in other positions too. See what works for yourself.
  3. Ground yourself. First, get into standing position and feel that the roots are coming out of your base chakra and are going into the earth throw your legs. Focus that the roots are firmly attached to the core of the earth.
  4. Brush Yourself. Once firmly grounded, use palms of both of your hands to brush yourself.
  5. Apply from Head to Toe. Use brush starting from your head to dust yourself off and go down slowly towards your feet. Brush down slowly and gradually and take deep breaths to calm you down.
  6. Meditation. Meditate that you are cleaning off all the blockages from your 7 chakras as you go down. Focus on the feeling that you are clearing all the toxins, debris, low vibrating (negative) energies and energy blockages with dry brush.
  7. Transfer Energy to Earth. As you are already grounded, focus that all the toxins, negative energy and energy blockages are flowing into the ground when you move your brush to your feet. Feel that all the negative energy transferred to earth will be filtered into new positive energy that can be used again.

Monday 25 July 2016

Kundalini (Spiritual Energy)

Kundalini is a psycho-spiritual energy, the energy of the consciousness, which is thought to reside within the sleeping body, and is aroused either through spiritual discipline or spontaneously to bring new states of consciousness, including mystical illumination. Kundalini is Sanskrit for "snake" or "serpent power," so-called because it is believed to lie like a serpent in the root chakra at the base of the spine. In Tantra Yoga kundalini is an aspect of Shakti, the divine female energy and consort of Shiva.

The power of kundalini is said to be enormous. Those having experienced it claim it to be indescribable. The phenomena associated with it varies from bizarre physical sensations and movements, pain, clairaudience, visions, brilliant lights, superlucidity, psychical powers, ecstasy, bliss, and transcendence of self. Kundalini has been described as liquid fire and liquid light.

Inside every human being there is a network of nerves and sensory organs that interprets the outside physical world.
At the same time, within us resides a subtle system of channels (nadis) and centers of energy (chakras) which look after our physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual being.

Each of the seven chakras has several spiritual qualities. These qualities are intact within us, and even though they might not always be manifest, they can never be destroyed.

When the Kundalini is awakened, these qualities start manifesting spontaneously and express themselves in our life.

Thus, through regular meditation, we become automatically very dynamic, creative, confident and at the same time very humble, loving and compassionate. It is a process which starts to develop by itself when the Kundalini rises and starts to nourish our chakras.

Kundalini and the Chakras

According to eastern religious and spiritual practices, Kundalini is the energy of the soul and resides within one of seven chakras, or energy centers, that stretch from the base of the spine to the top of one’s head. Depicted as a coiled serpent, Kundalini energy is located at the base of the spine.

Chakras in the Human Body

Stretching from the base of the spine to the top of the head are seven chakras, or energy centers. Depicted as “wheels” of energy that are constantly in motion, the chakras govern the overall functions of the human body, from our organs to our emotions.

Underactive, overactive, and blocked chakras can cause disruptions in the flow of energy along the spinal column creating chakra imbalances. Until the imbalance is corrected, a range of maladies can occur, including intense stress, emotional instability, and physical illness.
The root chakra plays an important role when dealing with Kundalini energy. Kundalini is the raw energy that resides within the root chakra, also known as the Muladhara chakra. Frequently depicted as a serpent, Kundalini is associated with the maternal/feminine energy known as Shakti.

Kundalini Rising

As you initially raise Kundalini energy through life experience, meditation, and yoga you become more sensitive to vibrational energy. With increased preception, your overall understanding about life deepens.

Gaining experience and knowledge feeds Kundalini Shakti, or maternal energy as it is sometimes called. It’s a progressive relationship that takes time and patience.

Think about a subject that really caught your interest when you were young. Maybe it was science or history. Whatever the case, remember how you simply couldn’t get enough? Once you learned a little about it, you wanted to know everything about the topic? The same type of seemingly insatiable curiosity applies to clarity here.

With knowledge comes clarity, and with clarity comes awakening. When kundalini energy rises and activates the all the energy centers, it results in what is called a kundalini awakening.

Kundalini Awakening Benefits

There are numerous kundalini awakening benefits and if we will start explaining them one by one, then it will take ages for us to list them. But here I am explaining some of the major and most immediate benefits that you can actually feel just after the awakening.

Kundalini Awakening Benefits  #1 – Health Benefits

Kundalini is no rocket science rather it is a way of life. Kundalini is very useful in treating and preventing health issues both external as well as internal. Awakened kundalini can cure the common health problems like gastric and indigestion to severe and deadliest diseases like tumours and cancer. In some cases it is believed that the power of kundalini has also treated AIDS and that too at advanced stage. Personally I am witness to a few testimonials in which patients suffering for years from internal ulcer formations cured their disease completely after their kundalini awakening. Veterans from medical science were also in a state of surprise after witnessing overnight improvement in their health condition.

Kundalini Awakening Benefits #2 – Intuitive and psychic enhancements

Although kundalini is not meant for achieving psychic abilities, but the awakened kundalini blesses the practitioner with heightened ESP (Extra Sensory Perception), strong intuition and psychic powers as its by-product. With the wise intent and mind of faith, following psychic powers may be also be developed over time :

Clairaudience :
Clairaudience is the ability to listen things like words, sounds and music coming from different dimensions which is inaudible to normal human ears. Some clairaudient use this skill to communicate with spirits and energies from the other side.

Clairvoyance :
Clairvoyance is the ability of seeing things like energies, object, person, location or physical events and gaining information about them that a normal person cannot see or feel by any chance.

Telepathy :
Telepathy is an ability to communicate with others with the help of our mind and thoughts. The one to whom we are trying to connect and communicate should also possess the same ability. Amazingly, we can use telepathy to communicate with anyone we can think of… yes I literally mean anyone!! Be it human beings, animals, spirit guides, ascended masters, intelligent life forms or angels

Remote viewing :
Remote viewing is a practice through which one uses ESP to see other people, things and places located at distant locations without being physically present .

Astral Projection :
Do you wish to experience how it feels when flying in open air ????  Do you wish to touch clouds and feel the blow of air on your face while you are flying like a free bird? Can we as human beings do all this in reality??The answer is YES by the means of astral projection. Astral projection is an outstanding and extraordinary experience practising which “WE CAN FLY”.

As a kid we all must have wondered at least once that why can’t we fly. As we grew up we got the answer that it is the design of our physical body which don’t allow us to fly but nothing can stop our astral body to do so.

Astral projection or Astral travel is an alias for OBE (Outer Body Experience) in which the practitioner separates his physical body with his astral or etheric body. Once the astral body is separated, the practitioner attains super consciousness also known as samadhi and can travel distant locations like different countries, different planets, galaxies and even different dimensions and planes of existence.
Kundalini awakening benefits #3 – Increased Focus and concentration :

Ajna chakra which is also known as third eye is mostly responsible for concentration and focusing abilities. When kundalini awakens, it clears and balance all the 7 chakras including the ajna chakra (brow chakra) , thereby increasing our focus and concentration capabilities.

Kundalini awakening benefits #4 – Better human being :.

There will be a significant change in personality of a person after kundalini awakening. You will become more aware and conscious. You will feel your existence like never before and be more present.  You shall realize the truth and facts much clearly behind everything you see, hear or feel.

Kundalini awakening benefits #5 – Balanced and cleared chakras :

Awakened kundalini also clears and balances all the 7 chakras for beginners. Chakra cleansing means clearing of all sort of mental and emotional blockages, there by making us more loving, creative, strong willed and successful human being.

21 Kundalini Awakening Symptoms

Here they are – kundalini awakening symptoms:

1. You know that kundalini has awakened in your body when, during meditation, you experience something other-worldly. That could be divine visions, smells you never smelled before, a blissful taste or hearing sounds you never heard before.

2. When you feel sensations in your root chakra or when your body hairs are involuntarily raised, this again shows that your kundalini energy has been awakened.

3.  When you want to do yogic body locks naturally, even though you never did them before, this is one of the kundalini awakening symptoms. Such involuntary body locks could be sucking out the air of your stomach, raising the air up the root chakra or resting the chin on the chest.

4. The breath stops without any effort in people whose kundalini shakti is awake.

5. When you feel currents of energy rising up in your body and they feel pleasant, know this is due to the kundalini energy.

6. When you experience bliss and the mantra “om” (or “aum”) chant comes naturally to you, these are the kundalini awakening symptoms.

7. When you get blank mind (without any thoughts), this is again caused by the awakened kundalini shakti.

8. When, during meditation, your eyes naturally focus in the third eye chakra, that’s a kundalini awakening sign.

9. When you feel vibrations of energy in different parts of your body and you get involuntary jerks that feel like electricity shocks, know that kundalini is awake in you.

10. When, during meditation, your body loses importance until you don’t feel it at all, this is caused by kundalini energy.

11. One of the kundalini awakening symptoms is not being able to open eyes after meditation, according to the author (this, however, I’ve never experienced, although at times I was unwilling to open my eyes because it’s so pleasant to meditate).

12. When electric currents flow up and down in your body, it’s the sign of an awakened kundalini energy.

13. If you get inspiration and insight as a result of meditation, this happens due to the active kundalini shakti in your body.

14. When the nature shows you her secrets and your doubts disappear, it’s a sign of awakened kundalini.

15. When you understand the meaning of spiritual texts that’s a sure symptom of awakened kundalini.

16. When you feel as though your body is light like air and you possess inexhaustible energy, that’s because of the kundalini that’s active.

17. A sure symptom of awakened kundalini is your ability to remain calm when catastrophic/negative conditions present themselves.

18. When you experience divine bliss, the bliss that can’t be explained in words, this is due to the kundalini that’s awake in you.

19. When you get the power of public speaking, that’s because the kundalini shakti has risen up your chakras.

20. When you perform yogic postures naturally, without the least pain and without getting tired, that’s because the kundalini is awakened.

21. When you start composing beautiful poems without any effort (as though it’s coming not from you), this is one of the kundalini awakening symptoms.

Ways to awaken Kundalini

Many people want to know how to awaken the Kundalini. And as there are techniques for Kundalini Awakening, most of the techniques are kept secret by masters until the student is ready to receive them.

Here is a very powerful technique for Kundalini Awakening based on a Kriya Yoga technique. This technique will not only awaken the Kundalini energy, moving you towards spiritual enlightenment, it also can improve your health and remove all stress and unhappiness in your life.

This Kriya Technique for Kundalini Awakening is probably one of the easiest ways to enter a blissful state of meditation. It is what would be termed a “purifying technique” as it will purify the energy channels of your body allowing more energy or Shakti to move through.

I will explain the technique in three parts:

The first part of this technique for kundalini awakening is to focus your breath starting at the base of your spine all the way up your spine and out of the top of your head. Do this for the inhale. As you inhale move your focus from the base of your spine, up the spine and out of the top of your head as though your are “breathing up” the energy.

You do not need to imagine anything. This is not about imagination but focus. Focus your breath to move up the spine and out the top of your head.
And the focus should be relaxed. You are not to force anything. You are simply gently suggesting the energy to move in this direction. So do focus the energy up but allow the kundalini energy to move on it’s own without force.

It may seem quite strange to focus your breath where your breath does not go but it is very effective. Breath is energy, “prana.” And simply by focusing the breath in a certain area, the energy moves to that area.

After practicing this for a while, you will start to feel the energy rising. The sensations will be subtle at first but over time can become very blissful. It can almost feel like an orgasm, a rush of bliss moving up your spine.

The second part of this technique for kundalini awakening is it to move the breath down your front as you exhale.

As you exhale, move the breath from the top of your head to the third eye, (located between your eyebrows) then to your throat and then to your heart chakra, located at the center of your chest.

Stop the breath at the center of your chest. And then again, inhale from the base of your spine, repeating the process above.

The third part of this technique for kundalini awakening is to awaken the energy. Because an enlightened teacher would not give this technique without initiating you into this technique. This calls for the teacher to give you shaktipat, to actually awaken your kundalini by touch, chanting or simply by focusing their energy on you.

So to awaken this energy yourself, there is an easy technique but a very important one. And that is to silently repeat the name of an enlightened teacher, Guru or Saint that you feel connected to whether you have met them or not. If you are of a particular religion, you can repeat the name of a saint of that religion. Otherwise, choose an enlightened teacher who you admire.

You can repeat the name as you inhale, and repeat the name as you exhale. The reason for this is that you take on the Shakti (energy) of what you focus on. So simply by repeating the name of an enlightened Guru or Saint, you take on their energy, their state of bliss. This technique is thousands of years old and is still used today because it is so effective.

If this step makes you uncomfortable, you can repeat “peace” instead.

Really, you are awakening that which is in you, not something from the outside. But enlightened teachers are the outward manifestation of what is inside you. A Saint or Guru have awakened what you wish also to awaken. So by focusing on their name, you awaken that energy in you. It has nothing to do with them as a personality or body but the energy that naturally radiates from them.