What are the benefits of the Solar Plexus Chakra?
• Establishing healthy boundaries
• Strengthening will-power and assertiveness
• Connecting with, and understanding, your own power
• Improving digestion and metabolism
• Boosting stamina, but also helping you know when to quit
Re-balance your Solar Plexus Charka
When the energy at your manipura chakra is balanced and flowing freely you feel self-confident. You are a spontaneous, energetic person who experiences the joy of connecting with the universe, while knowing your unique place in it. The manipura chakra is related to your will-power, personal power and self-esteem. Its energy is what enables you to set reasonable personal boundaries, as well as maintain a healthy sense of honour and integrity.
Anger, rage, excessive vanity, bitterness and resentment are all expressions of imbalances or blockages of energy at the manipura chakra. These negative emotions are energetically stored in your solar plexus region, often for many years. This happens whether you are irritated by small things and get angry easily, or stoically resist any external expression.
Often traumas that cause blockages or imbalances of energy at the manipura chakra are related to your sense of personal power. Perhaps you had an overbearing parent or teacher – or you were a victim of bullying, scapegoating or shaming. Maybe you were forced to assume responsibilities that were inappropriate for your age. Or, at some point in your life, you may have felt that someone was trying to break your will or dehumanize you in some way. Distortions of manipura energy can be the result of anything that would have caused you to lose your self-confidence or to feel that others were controlling your life.
A juice fast to re-balance the solar plexus chakra
When your digestive fire, which has its seat in your solar plexus region, is strong and balanced, you digest your food well, absorb plentiful vital energy from the air you breathe and have an intelligent relationship with the world around you. Conversely, when there is a blockage, you have a greater tendency to suffer from chronic conditions and psychological imbalances. Abstaining from solid food to fast on juices once a week can help you to re-balance the energy of your manipura chakra. By drinking only juice for one day, you will take advantage of one of nature’s greatest healing agents. Juice fasting enhances your health and vigour. It gives your digestive system a rest, allowing your body to cleanse itself thoroughly.
Juice fasting makes your body and mind feel lighter. It also lowers your ego’s defence mechanisms so that you are open to positive inspiration. It prepares your body and mind to absorb higher energy vibrations and to be more fully conscious. This sort of fast also assists you in developing healthy attitudes of self-confidence, will-power and mental resolve.
Juice Diet
1. Drink 2–3 litres (3½–5½ pints) of freshly made juice on your fast day. When you make the drink yourself, use no more than three fruits or vegetables at a time and don’t mix fruits and vegetables in the same juice.
2. Carrots, fresh ginger root and cabbage are particularly beneficial for stimulating a cleansing and balancing of the manipura energy. Don’t use fleshy fruits, such as bananas or avocados.
3. Do not consume solid food, dairy products, caffeine or fizzy drinks during the fast. Avoid tea and coffee, but herbal teas, especially peppermint, are helpful. Drink plenty of water to flush out your system. If you experience a headache or nausea, drink hot water with a little lemon juice.
4. Use the time for quiet activity. Meditate as much as possible and try to keep your focus inward. Practise yoga asanas and breathing exercises to enhance the benefits of the fast.
Caution: Do not attempt a juice fast, or any other kind of fast, if you are pregnant, if you have had an eating disorder, or if you suffer from anaemia. It is a good idea to consult your doctor or health-care professional if you have any doubts.